Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Welcome to the inner workings of this guy's mind. 

First time blogging on a personal level so needless to say this could get interesting...or rather drab.  Let's hope for the former.  For those that know me know that I'm full of randomness, poignancy and sometimes thought-worthy opinions.  Here I'll try and keep the randomness to a minimum, the poignancy on point and the thought provoking (however off beat it might be) linear.  All in all what I want to accomplish is entertainment for myself and for you guys as well.

Content shall be a even flow of pent up information that covers the gamut but I'm guessing more times than not I'll be writing about sports, health, music, food, running, philanthropy, craft brews, current events or quite frankly whatever suits my fancy that day.  Bordering on informative, slightly passive aggressive, definitely fun but mainly as an outlet for when 140 characters just can't hold it all.

For a little background I am an unabashed Los Angeles Dodgers, Miami Dolphins and Tennessee Volunteers fan to the absolute core.  Talk trash about them, better believe I'm bringing it back two fold your way.  I like to run mainly to stay in shape but after running my first marathon recently so that I can eat whatever I want!  It's like being a teenager again with that metabolism but without the angst, acne and smelling like a foot!  Cooking has become a hobby of mine as I've come to find that with a bachelor's lifestyle one either eats out or eats in and let's just say I've had my fill of paying tabs and TV dinners.  So you're bound to find a few tidbits I've picked up in the kitchen but be warned, I'm more Jared from Subway than Paula Dean.  Annnd the sports thing, well it has been the one true constant in my life from the time I could throw a ball to the times I've worked 100+ weeks in a sports arena.  From fandom to financial sustenance, this is my proverbial calling.  Be ready to read maniacal posts about my teams, jaded fans, moronic moves and maybe, just maybe a little factual evidence proving why they're wrong and I'm right.  Told you, I'm opinionated.

So sit back, read on and hopefully you'll get to understand what goes on in my grey matter as I take in the view on Maytown. Cheers!

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